Massage therapy has been a benefit for people who have dealt with conditions such as the following:

Motor vehicle accidents and whiplash, Arthritis, Asthma, Back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic and acute pain, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Immune system disorders, Insomnia, Joint strains and sprains, Myofascial pain, Repetitive strain injuries, Some circulatory problems, Sports injuries, Stress, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), Chronic pain, Frozen Shoulder, Postural Deformities, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated back (disc), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Knee injuries, Low back pain, Degenerative Disc Disease, Migraine, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Tendinitis, Edema, Osteoarthritis, Entrapments & Compression Syndromes.

Basic physical benefits of massage:

Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation
Improves circulation
Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness
Promotes faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments; reduces pain and swelling and reduces formation of excessive scar tissue
Reduces muscle spasms
Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion
Enhances athletic performance

Robert Bideshi

Robert Bideshi

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